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Anesthesia Crash Course Pdf Free Download

EMT Crash Course (2012) (PDF) by Christopher Coughlin

Basic Information:

  • Year: 2012
  • Page Number: 352
  • File Type: PDF
  • File Size: 1.52 MB
  • Authors/ Editiors: Christopher Coughlin


REA's EMT Crash Course is the first book of its kind for the last-minute studier or any prospective Emergency Medical Technician who wants a quick refresher before taking the NREMT Certification Exam. This Crash Course is based on a careful analysis of the exam's content and actual test questions.

After studying the material in the EMT Crash Course, go online and test what you've learned. Our free practice exam features timed testing, diagnostic feedback, detailed explanations of answers, and automatic scoring analysis. The exam is balanced to include every topic and type of question found on the actual EMT exam, so you know you're studying the smart way.

Dr. Christopher Coughlin is the EMS Program Director for Glendale Community College in Glendale, Arizona. Dr. Coughlin has been an NREMT paramedic since 1991 and was one of the first 850 nationally certified flight paramedics (FP-C) in the United States.

User's Review:

I took my EMT class in 2015. I took my practical exam in July of 2016, since then I have not opened a book. I needed to obtain my EMT license for the current job that I hold. I downloaded two apps on my iPhone and did multiple practice tests. The tests were helping, but I did not understand the information, only how to take a test. I purchased this book, read it at work and did practice tests. I am not a fan of reading and never have been. Constantly putting books down and forgetting about them, which isn't helpful when you need to study. I took my written exam for the first time in June of 2016. I failed it. I felt terrible and dumb like I could not obtain any information. I kept putting my test date off to take my exam because I felt stupid. Finally I cracked down, did some research and purchased this book.

The way that this book is broken down into bullet points for each chapter was much more manageable for me to comprehend. A combination of reading this book and taking practice tests on the app Pocket Prep (EMT) helped my pass my written exam in January of 2017. Nearly two years after the start of my EMT course. I highly suggest this book for anyone who needs a boost with studying and a simple breakdown of all the unnecessary information loaded into the EMT book itself which bogs your mind down.

So here's what my situation was- I (stupidly) waiting about 6 months after I had finished taking the EMT class before I tried to take the test for the first time, and I barely studied at all. I figured I could just reason my way through the questions and get a passing score. Boy was I wrong. My test shut off after 70 questions, which means you either did REALLY good or REALLY bad. Turns out it was really bad. I failed every section except for one. So then due to a busy schedule, I wasn't able to attempt the test again until 5 months after that. That's when I decided to give this book a try. About a week before my test I started reading through it, breaking it up into small sections for each day. I didn't make note cards or use the note card app, but I did read it very carefully to be sure I was absorbing the material. Then the night before my test I took the provided online practice test. This test felt very easy (I think I got like 86% correct) so I was feeling pretty confident. The next morning I take my test and I felt like I was absolutely bombing it. There were questions coming out of left field that were never mentioned in the class or this book. And then, once again, it shut off at 70 questions. As you can imagine I wasn't feeling particularly confident at that time, but the next day I checked the website to see that coveted "Congratulations" message. I passed! Not only did I pass, I killed it. My point- Buy this book. It has everything that you need to pass the test no matter your starting point. My advice for the test- Make sure you know the patient assessment procedure like the back of your hand, know your ABC's (or CAB if the patient is unresponsive), know the normal vital signs, know the 6 or so medications detailed in the book, and know the most important medical conditions (shock, stroke, burns, anaphylaxis, etc) and you will be good to go. No matter how well you know your stuff, you're going to walk out feeling like you failed. The test is designed to make you feel this way. So don't stress out. Read this book, read it again, and go pass that test


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EMT Crash Course 2012 PDF Free Download

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